What are we doing

We offer a range of unique sightseeing tours
with wine tasting, winery visits, art and history
in Czech Rep. and all over Europe.

What are we doing

We hold fun and informative wine
tasting events and courses.

All individual tours are cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic until further notice.

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Prague City Tours

Day Trips from Prague

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Švejcarovo náměstí 2660/1, Stodůlky, 155 00 Praha 5

tel / WhatsApp: + 420 773 612 057
e-mail: mikushin@seznam.cz

Best Dram, s.r.o.
cestovní agentura 
IČO: 28418867
Spisová značka: C 140139/MSPH Městský soud v Praze
Sídlo: Švejcarovo náměstí 2660/1, Stodůlky, 155 00 Praha 5